

WiFi Direct状況:Symbian Developer Comunity

Symbian Developer Comunityに、WiFi Directのドキュメントが出ていました。

Symbian Foundation Peer-to-Peer WiFi Inititative (WiFi Direct)

The Symbian Foundation sees WiFi Direct as a very important specification that, once implemented, will fulfill a number of very interesting use cases and serve applications which require P2P connectivity using WiFi. We have produced this information to describe our work in the context of technical evaluation and its impact on the current WLAN architecture as well as help define requirements for other packages in the Data Communications domain. The work will then feed an implementation plan which, once defined, will determine the timeframe for WiFi Direct on Symbian.

要するに、Symbian Foundationは、WiFi Directを重要だと考えており、開発を促するためにテクニカルドキュメントの整備をしているということですね。

携帯電話のOSのシェアを見ると、SymbianiPhoneiOSよりも断然上ですから、SymbianWiFi Directをサポートするとインパクトありますよね。